Serving Size 3 oz (85g)
Amount Per Serving |
% Daily Value* |
Monounsaturated Fat
Vitamin A 0% | • | Vitamin C 0% |
Calcium 1% | • | Iron 3% |
Calories: |
2,000 |
2,500 |
Total Fat |
Less than |
65g |
80g |
Sat Fat |
Less than |
20g |
25g |
Cholesterol |
Less than |
300mg |
300mg |
Potassium |
3,500mg |
3,500mg |
Total Carbohydrate |
300g |
375g |
Dietary Fiber |
25g |
30g |
For a better frame of reference, select a common weight
Some preparation variations
- bacon, cooked, baked
- bacon, cooked, broiled, pan-fried or roasted
- bacon, cooked, broiled, pan-fried or roasted, reduced sodium
- bacon, cooked, microwaved
- bacon, cooked, pan-fried
- bacon, raw
- breakfast strips, cooked
- breakfast strips, raw or unheated
- canadian-style bacon, grilled
- canadian-style bacon, unheated
- feet, pickled
- ham, boneless, extra lean (approximately 5% fat), roasted
- ham, boneless, extra lean and regular, roasted
- ham, boneless, extra lean and regular, unheated
- ham, boneless, regular (approximately 11% fat), roasted
- ham, center slice, country-style, separable lean only, raw
- ham, center slice, separable lean and fat, unheated
- ham, extra lean (approximately 4% fat), canned, roasted
- ham, extra lean (approximately 4% fat), canned, unheated
- ham, extra lean and regular, canned, roasted
- ham, extra lean and regular, canned, unheated
- ham, low sodium, cooked, ns as to fat
- ham, low sodium, lean and fat, cooked
- ham, patties, grilled
- ham, patties, unheated
- ham, regular (approximately 13% fat), canned, roasted
- ham, regular (approximately 13% fat), canned, unheated
- ham, steak, boneless, extra lean, unheated
- ham, whole, separable lean and fat, roasted
- ham, whole, separable lean and fat, unheated
- ham, whole, separable lean only, roasted
- ham, whole, separable lean only, unheated
- salt pork, raw
- separable fat (from ham and arm picnic), roasted
- separable fat (from ham and arm picnic), unheated
- shoulder, arm picnic, separable lean and fat, roasted
- shoulder, arm picnic, separable lean only, roasted
- shoulder, blade roll, separable lean and fat, roasted
- shoulder, blade roll, separable lean and fat, unheated
- smoked or cured, low sodium, lean, cooked